Jan 14, 2007

Set-up a Dedicated Email Address for Surveys

Sometimes you can register with a market research company and start taking surveys right away, but many times you'll have to wait just a bit and they will notify you when you've been selected to join a particular survey. They'll usually notify you via email.

Once you get going and have registered with lots of companies, you will start getting A LOT of invitations and you definitely don't want to miss any of those important emails.

For this reason, we highly recommend setting up a separate email address to be used for everything related to your new survey "business." And be sure to check it often!

This way your survey-related email won't be mixed up with your "regular" email, you won't miss any important survey opportunities, and everything will just be a lot easier for you.

Your Internet Service Provider (AOL, Earthlink, Comcast, etc.) should be able to provide you with an additional email address - usually at no charge. Or, you can also set-up a free email address at Yahoo which we think offers the best free email service available.

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